Who We Are

Welcome to the Feminist Vegan Network!

While the Nonhuman Animal rights movement is composed primarily of women,  it is still largely a reflection of the patriarchal structures that characterize broader society.  Increasingly, women, people of color, and other vulnerable groups have been victimized, alienated, and silenced in advocacy efforts on behalf of other animals. This site functions as a safe community for activists of all backgrounds. Our mission is to eradicate oppression from the Nonhuman Animal rights movement and improve inclusiveness through dialogue and educational resources.


If  you are interested in contributing or translating, please see our submissions page.


If you have a disability that impairs your ability to use this website, please contact info@veganfeministnetwork.com.  We will work to improve accessibility where ever possible.


For any inquiries and suggestions, please contact info@veganfeministnetwork.com.