Vegan Feminist Work Removed from Ecorazzi; Author Ousted

Photo of McGrath, quotes "They want me to shut up, to lay low, to be complacent. That's never going to happen."

It is no accident that mainstream vegan spaces are androcentric, and the contributions of women are so invisibilized. There are a number of disadvantages women face to having their anti-speciesist expertise and experience acknowledged, one of them being the overt exclusion or silencing of women.

In late March, 2016, a young woman writing for Ecorazzi published an essay on vegan feminism, imploring the feminist movement to acknowledge the thriving anti-speciesism intersectionality community we’ve been working so hard to build. The article was written by a feminist for feminists; its intended audience was not the Nonhuman Animal rights movement. It nonetheless solicited the attention of vegan men who, while not a part of the dialogue, insisted on eliminating that which promotes vegan feminists and their achievements (to the effect of recentering men’s achievements). At the request of a high-profile male theorist who has described her writing as “speciesist garbage,” her work was removed.

When Vegan Feminist Network made a public statement on the incident, an Ecorazzi staff member responded:

Ecorazzi statement posted on VFN which claims that the essay was removed at the request of Gary Francione for not being vegan or abolitionist enough

The author’s name is Lauren McGrath, and she’s not about to let this go without a fight. In an interview with Vegan Feminist Network, she explained:

This was a public attempt to embarrass and gut me, by both a tired academic and a writing team who I considered my friends. The best part is that they can’t do that- I’m too determined, I’m too passionate, and I fully intend to make the most of this situation.

So how did this happen? As Ecorazzi explains in the aforementioned comment (which was originally published on Vegan Feminist Network’s Facebook page), Ecorazzi has been shifting to a fully Francionist abolitionist approach in its topic coverage. Importantly, this policy appears to necessitate the exclusion of other writers, some of whose advocacy ethics are nonetheless in considerable alignment with “The Abolitionist Approach.”

An Ecorazzi job posting on Vegan Job Board, for instance, seeks a salaried writer who will demonstrate, “A strong understanding of the principles of The Abolitionist Approach by Gary Francione.” The job description insists, “All editorial content will have a strong focus on animal rights and the Abolitionist approach by Gary Francione.”  Says McGrath, “When I was hired, I didn’t realize how aggressively Ecorazzi was going to push Francione’s work.” And this misunderstanding might be expected given that, “The piece I wrote, that got me ousted, was in fact reviewed by all the Ecorazzi staff with zero disagreement or problems.” In other words, it was not until the unofficial “editor-in-chief,” presumably not on staff with Ecorazzi, decided that the piece was not in line with the principles of “The Abolitionist Approach” that McGrath’s work was erased.

After two or three days of no response to McGrath’s voicemails and emails, it was settled via text message that her employment was no longer needed. She was subsequently locked out of the Ecorazzi webpage.

I'm willing to admit when I feel scared, or upset, or feeling threatened, and I think that makes me strong.

In my opinion, McGrath’s contributions to anti-speciesism advocacy are invaluable. Veganism needs more women like her working to build connections to like-minded movements. Unfortunately, she was punished for doing so. Because her experience with marginalization is so common, it only leads me to conclude that the Nonhuman Animal rights movement as an institution, despite its pretenses, ferociously stigmatizes and derides feminism.

What will become of Lauren McGrath after this? I worry for her. She explains, “I’ve had my income, the very thing that sustains my home, puts food on my table, and pays off my bills, yanked out from under me, and that sucks. That’s really, really hard right now, and I’m doing what I can to keep afloat…” Because poverty is feminized, fewer women have access to the secure employment or thousands (even millions) of dollars in wealth that so many of the patriarchs of our movement do, those who use their power to push around those they perceive to be weaker than them. McGrath unknowingly found herself in an impossible position, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t try.

I turned my back on activists I admire and didn't speak up about my beliefs because I wanted to please my boss and keep a job. It was an ugly feeling."

Despite the ethical qualms she faced as an Ecorazzi author and her ultimate erasure, McGrath remains hopeful. As we closed our interview, she insisted, “I’m determined and eager to continue my career nonetheless, perhaps that this has just fueled my passion.”

McGrath isn’t the only victim–this is a systematic attack on women’s contributions, and very often, it is racialized. Recall that Sarah K. Woodcock, Korean-American and feminist founder of The Advocacy of Veganism Society was removed from not one, but two conferences at the behest of white male gatekeepers. I think it no coincidence that she also takes a strong feminist and anti-racist position in her advocacy approach. To be clear, while Vegan Feminist Network fully supports McGrath and the loss of her job is a serious injustice, the disproportionate amount of support and attention her case is garnering does warrant an acknowledgement of how Woodcock’s race may also be working against her (or, rather, how McGrath’s race may be working for her). Stinging from the repeated microaggressions and outright discriminations she has faced, Woodcock questions: “Does oppression only matter when it happens to white people? Does sexism only matter when it happens to white women?”

We need accountability. We must push back against blatant discrimination and woman-hating. So long as the movement remains male-focused and violent in its strategy, the Nonhuman Animal rights movement will remain marginalized, mocked, and misunderstood. I reject this oppressive behavior. What about you?

Corey Lee WrennDr. Wrenn is Lecturer of Sociology. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology with Colorado State University in 2016. She received her M.S. in Sociology in 2008 and her B.A. in Political Science in 2005, both from Virginia Tech. She was awarded Exemplary Diversity Scholar, 2016 by the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity. She served as council member with the American Sociological Association’s Animals & Society section (2013-2016) and was elected Chair in 2018. She serves as Book Review Editor to Society & Animals and has contributed to the Human-Animal Studies Images and Cinema blogs for the Animals and Society Institute. She has been published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Gender Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Disability & Society, Food, Culture & Society, and Society & Animals. In July 2013, she founded the Vegan Feminist Network, an academic-activist project engaging intersectional social justice praxis. She is the author of A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory (Palgrave MacMillan 2016).

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Does the C-word Belong in the Vegan Movement? Because It’s Here Right Now

Content Warning: Discusses systemic sexism, online harassment, and misogynistic language.
Not Safe for Work: Contains coarse language.

Editor’s Note: The author and I wish to make it clear that we do not endorse the notion that only cisgender women have vaginal canals, and we wish to acknowledge that some women do not have vaginal canals. We also acknowledge that intersex, transgender, agender, and other gender fluid persons can experience the sexism described in this essay.

Hiltner Cross-stictch
By Eve Christa Wetlaufer


I did a double take. Did he really just use that word – and to promote veganism at that? Yes, he did, in a meme on his Instagram feed. A feed with 50,000 followers.

I was stunned and sickened, but sadly, not surprised.

Vegan Meme

In recent weeks, I have become increasingly aware of members within the vegan community casually using term “cunt” to refer to (and scold) non-vegans. I have seen it used in at least a dozen captions of pictures and comments on social media. Perhaps its most vigorous adherent is “vegan famous” YouTuber @Durianrider, who uses the term in his videos, which can get up to 65,000 views. The majority of the voices using this term have been straight white men.

Whenever I see the use of this word, I have responded by commenting my gut reaction. I explain that using this term to urge others to become vegan is both harmful towards people who identify as female, and also harmful towards the movement’s health and validity. I write that for a movement based on compassion for “all” animals, it is shocking to see what disregard there can be for the oppressions of human animals. I’ve also mentioned the recent article, “When is being vegan no longer about ethical living?” written by Ruby Hamad, in which she asserts:

Any vegan who thinks animal liberation can be achieved without addressing human oppression is kidding themselves.

And on one of the posts I wrote:

Yes, peace on Earth will be vegan – but it will also be a world free of racism, sexism, religious discrimination, ableism, ageism, etc.

The response to my comments? Backlash – immediate and alarming. I was told to “Shut the fuck up.” I was told I was being “too soft,” that I was the “#funpolice,” “too politically correct,” and to “go cry somewhere else.” The supporters of using this term tried to silence me, and even questioned whether or not I was actually a vegan. As if a vegan would never point out inconsistencies within a movement – especially if the victim was a human! Especially if the victim was a woman.

After receiving these hateful comments, I did some research. Was I, in fact, over-reacting? I did a quick survey of the women in my house, and found that they too would be offended if called a “cunt.” My mother practically blanched at the question, and replied:

As far as I’m concerned, that’s the ultimate insult to a woman. You just don’t say it.

I then looked online and found that, interestingly, in England and Australia, “cunt” is generally used much more casually than in the United States, carrying much less of a sexist, derogatory stigma. Ok. But does that matter? Are we to forget the very real historical and contemporary uses of this term that have been, and still are, used to violate, denigrate and belittle those who identify as female?

I most certainly do not have all the answers, but I do understand that this topic is complicated. For instance, as a woman myself, I could feel empowered to use this term as to “reclaim” it, as different communities have done with words that have been used marginalized and oppressed them. I am also by no means speaking for all women, as I understand some are not offended by this word. But we cannot forget about those who are offended by it. We cannot call for liberation with words that do not further the liberation of other identity groups.

Since all ethical vegans want the world to go vegan, we need to start tailoring our language to be as effective and inclusive as possible, to make our mission based on love, on loving. If vegans really want to change the world, we need to stop using ethical eating to diminish or ignore other very real systems of oppression. It is also crucial for us to have the understanding that the vegan movement is just one puzzle piece in the greater movement for social justice. True social justice cannot be reached until all forms of oppression have been eradicated, and many of these injustices are linked. When we realize his struggles are her struggles, are their struggles are my struggles, the unity and support of each movement can propel us further into a more peaceful and just world.

The complex, gendered, and charged connotations with the term “cunt” should by no means be a part of the vocabulary of a movement comprised of individuals who preach compassion for animals. Changing the hearts, minds, and behaviors of non-vegans is crucial, but that also means investigating and changing our vocabulary at times. Although disagreements and conflicts within movements can potentially hinder the overall progress, it is important to constantly check ourselves and each other’s activism to make sure we are being as effective and compassionate as possible. So yes, I will continue to speak up when vegans use harmful words like “cunt,” and if you agree, I urge you to as well.


EveEve Wetlaufer is in her third year at New York University in the Gallatin Program, with an individualized major investigating the historical human orientation toward animals, spirituality, and the environment, with a minor in the Animal Studies Initiative. Eve also holds a certification in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She has worked at several animal rescues, most recently Catskill Animal Sanctuary, as an Outreach and Education intern. She is also the loving companion to a rescued hound named Chrissy.

Fedoras for Animal Rights

Several animals standing in the background; fedora in foreground, reads, "Fedoras for Animal Rights"

Why fedoras? See bottom of essay.

Dear readers,

Are you tired of endless microaggressions and intentional ignorance disrupting your activism? Totally over the overt racism and sexism levied at you by privileged persons determined to ruin your day? Got a racial tension headache?

Annoyed at the time wasted every day bouncing off derailing comments when you could be advocating for social justice? Yuck. I know I am.

Of course, activists are well aware of the tough resistance inherent to social justice work. Social change is hard. People don’t want to give up their privilege.

But feminists are also aware of a particularly insidious aspect of this work: the frustration, stress, and energy expended in grappling with disingenuous persons who want nothing more than to cause us pain and to block social progress. You know, the doxxers, the cyber-stalkers, the “all lives matter” espousers, the “not all men” proclaimers, and the “reverse racism/sexism” wannabe philosophers. It’s the trolling, the mocking, and the jabs at underprivileged people made by privileged people. It’s the revelry in bigotry.

Certainly, we do not live in a post-racial/post-feminist world, and these attitudes and behaviors are still commonplace in our society. However, it is especially disheartening when they characterize social movements. It’s also especially crushing when it takes place online, where there is little recourse for those targeted. In fact, this kind of behavior especially flourishes in online spaces (male-created and male-dominated) where marginalized persons network and advocate at low cost (which is crucial for us, as poverty targets women and people of color).

Brown fedora hat

Racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, and other oppressions that seem to proliferate and flourish online can leave activists feeling frustrated, sidetracked, and ineffective. And that’s the point. Countermovements and bigots are successful when they keep activists from doing their important work.

Just how to handle this conundrum has been heavily debated. Some advocate ignoring it, while others advocate spiritual recentering and understanding. Some prefer to tackle it head on by publicly shaming and outing abusers to demand accountability. Whatever works for you, it is still important to acknowledge that the negative impact that systemic oppression has on marginalized activists is real. It hurts.

It also hinders.

My wise friend Aph Ko once explained to me that we all know how to break things down and criticize what is wrong in the world, but we don’t seem to be as skilled in building things back up. We don’t nurture our imagination for reconstruction enough. Instead of incessantly focusing on the negative, how can we start to create the positive world we want to inhabit? Can we start to tune out the bad with stronger, clearer, more radiant messages of social justice and equality?

And so, my dear vegfems, this is my resolution to share with you. Every time someone with ill-intentions seeks to bring you down, slur you, scare you, silence you, try this:

Do something positive for Nonhuman Animal liberation (or Black liberation, or trans liberation, or women’s liberation, et cetera).

Take the ugliness you have been served and use it to fuel your actions in the service of good.
Straw fedora hat

Can you do that? Try it. It doesn’t have to be major. If someone tells you that Black Lives Matter is narcissistic, bring some food to a feral cat colony in your area. If someone calls you a cunt, send an email to a feminist friend and offer some support and tend to the friendship. Shamed for promoting anti-reformist approaches to animal rights? Go post some leaflets in your community. Received a microaggression on Facebook? Give your dog a nice brushing, or treat your cat to some playtime. You get the idea.

Take that negative energy and flip it. When life gives you fedoras, make social justice.

Keep putting the good out there. It won’t stop the hate, and it won’t stop the violence. But it can help you to cope in a constructive way, and it will move us closer to our goal of peace.

So let’s give it a go, okay?

And let us know how it turned out! Please stop by Vegan Feminist Network on Facebook and share your stories, or email them to us! Check out for more ideas.


In love and solidarity,
Vegan Feminist Network

Why Fedoras? In modern feminist spaces, fedoras have come to symbolize fraudulent “Men’s Rights Activism,” or feminist countermovement activity.

Women Laughing Alone With Salad

Woman eating outdoors

You’ve seen them a hundred times before. You know, the bright eyed salad crunching woman. Head thrown back with hysterical jubilee, she is overtaken by the gloriousness of the vegetable medley gracing her lunch bowl. The promotional flyer for your local natural foods co-op features them. The websites for major grocery chains use them. Educational pamphlets in your doctor’s office use them. Tons of vegan organizations use them. Heck, I bet if I checked into it, I probably used one to illustrate a blog post at least once.

Stock photographs of women… sitting alone… with a salad that is so damn hilarious, they can’t help but explode with laughter and delight.

Recently, the absurdity of these images has caught the attention of the internet, resulting in a number of memes, a tumblr page, and even a play.

Salad isn’t really funny. Rarely is it ecstasy-inducing. Usually it’s just a messy experience of trying to shove awkward lettuce leaves into your mouth. Often you’re dissatisfied and annoyed that you used too much dressing, or not enough. In reality, you’re checking your teeth for stuck pieces of lettuce instead of smiling from ear to ear between bites. Eating salad is, in general, a mundane affair.

Collection of stock photos showing women laughing while they eat a salad

But eating salad is lady’s work, and, as such, it must be performed accordingly to tell a particular narrative when being observed and documented.

Vegan feminist theory tells us that food–what we eat and how we eat it–is firmly rooted in gender norms. The consumption of vegetables (with salad being the ubiquitous cliché) is a highly feminized behavior. Gender codes also manifest in the regular hyper-emotionality of women in advertising. That is, women are often portrayed as having inappropriately extreme emotional responses. Representation of this kind adds to the cultural understanding of womanhood as infantile, irrational, and immature. In this case, even a little bit insane. These images reinforce women’s subordinate status. Pairing hyper-emotive women with hyper-feminized food items makes for a perfect storm in sexist imagery.

Man about to eat a forkfull of salad, smiles softly to camera

I have, of course, been presented with the inevitable, “Men, too!” argument. True, men are often shown to be just a little too excited about their salads. But let’s be honest: they are much less frequently depicted laughing, with their head thrown back, in their underwear, or pregnant. The gendered frivolity of salad consumption is very much so a feminine affair.

Woman laying on bed in white underwear eating a salad

When men are pictured in the improbable scenario of eating a salad prostrate on a bed in a white thong, then, okay, let’s talk.


Corey Lee WrennDr. Wrenn is Lecturer of Sociology. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology with Colorado State University in 2016. She received her M.S. in Sociology in 2008 and her B.A. in Political Science in 2005, both from Virginia Tech. She was awarded Exemplary Diversity Scholar, 2016 by the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity. She served as council member with the American Sociological Association’s Animals & Society section (2013-2016) and was elected Chair in 2018. She serves as Book Review Editor to Society & Animals and has contributed to the Human-Animal Studies Images and Cinema blogs for the Animals and Society Institute. She has been published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Gender Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Disability & Society, Food, Culture & Society, and Society & Animals. In July 2013, she founded the Vegan Feminist Network, an academic-activist project engaging intersectional social justice praxis. She is the author of A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory (Palgrave MacMillan 2016).

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Privilège masculin, Déraillements de la Discussion et la Politique de la Politesse

Translation by Christophe Hendrickx. See more French translations of critical vegan essays by grassroots activists by visiting his blog, La Pilule Rouge. The original English version of this essay can be found by clicking here.


J’ai eu une conversation hier avec un collègue qui soutient la violence et les réformes de bien-être dans la lutte pour les droits des Animaux Non-humains. En tant qu’abolitionniste, je rejette ces tactiques, étant non seulement bancales idéologiquement mais contreproductives. Les débats violence/non-violence et abolition/bien-être ont une longue histoire derrière eux dans le mouvement, et les débats sur leur efficacité n’en finissent pas. De par ma spécialisation dans la théorie du mouvement social développée durant ma vie universitaire, j’ai un avis plutôt forgé sur ce genre de sujets. Mon collègue, cependant, n’est pas universitaire et n’est pas versé dans la science des mouvements sociaux, basant sa position sur le discours dominant (dirigé par les hommes) du mouvement. Au fil de la discussion et vu que je maintenais fermement ma position sur le sujet, mon collègue a fait remarquer qu’il ne pensait plus pouvoir me parler sans être au final accusé de sexisme. C’était peut-être parce que j’utilisais le langage du privilège pour discuter de la domination des organisations welfaristes dans le mouvement, ou peut-être parce que j’ai fait remarquer que les tactiques violentes sont patriarcales et tendent à attirer les hommes. Peu importe la raison, on me pointait du doigt pour avoir communiqué ma position dans le cadre de l’inégalité. Je ne l’ai certainement jamais accusé de sexisme. Cependant, il m’est vite venu à l’esprit que mon collègue n’avait pas formulé cette affirmation suite à une véritable exaspération, mais plutôt comme outil de manipulation visant à faire dérailler la discussion et rétablir la suprématie masculine.

Les hommes tendent à être socialisés à s’attendre à dominer le débat. Ils sont socialisés à croire qu’ils ont raison, que leur opinion importe, et que cette opinion est la plus importante. Ce n’est pas basé sur l’expérience ou sur la connaissance, mais plutôt sur leur statut social privilégié en tant qu’homme. Les femmes, à l’inverse, sont socialisées selon la politique de la politesse. On nous apprend à donner plus d’espace de parole aux hommes, à estimer leurs opinions peu importe leur ridicule ou leur offense, pour apaiser leurs égos, etc.. Des décennies de recherches sociologiques sur la discussion, le langage, et l’espace social concernant les interactions mixtes ont confirmé que les hommes parlent plus, ils occupent plus d’espace, ils dictent la discussion, et leurs opinions sont vues comme plus crédibles et légitimes. Les femmes, au contraire, parlent moins, soutiennent plus, et occupent moins d’espace. Leurs opinions sont également extrêmement dévaluées.

Lorsque les homes se plaignent de ne pas pouvoir dire quoi que ce soit sans être accusés de sexisme, voici ce qu’ils disent réellement :

1. Je suis habitué à avoir le contrôle de la conversation, votre conscience de la politique sexuelle rend cela difficile pour moi d’adopter ce privilège invisible en douceur.

2. Je suis habitué à pouvoir parler de n’importe quel sujet sans qu’on remette en question mon autorité, la possibilité qu’on m’accuse de sexisme interfère avec mon autorité.

3. J’utilise la politique de la politesse pour vous confondre à donner priorité à mes sentiments et intérêts.

4. La théorie féministe est une charade. Le sexisme n’est pas réel, vous utilisez juste cette rhétorique pour gagner le débat.

Cette tactique est une variante de la “tone-policing” (ndt : littéralement “police du ton” : se concentrer sur la manière dont on dit quelque chose, peu importe qu’elle soit vraie ou non). Plutôt que se concentrer sur l’argument développé, un déraillement est créé en invoquant l’égo masculin meurtri, le caractère de la femme, et l’authenticité du féminisme. Les femmes sont détournées d’un sujet sur lequel elles peuvent exprimer leur propre autorité lorsque les hommes exploitent la féminité et font pression sur les femmes pour qu’elles montrent du respect à la structure sociale patriarcale. La validité de mon argument se trouve mise sur le côté, je dois d’abord m’occuper de ses sentiments. Ne pas s’occuper d’abord des sentiments des hommes est un pêché capital dans le patriarcat. Être une femme avec une opinion éclairée semble également être une grande offense.

Enfin, il est extrêmement important de reconnaître que lorsque nous individualisons l’oppression, nous obscurcissons sa nature systémique. Si nous ne pouvons pas débattre d’oppression systémique parce que les gens de privilège donnent priorité à leur inconfort pour ce qui semble être une attaque personnelle, nous ne pourrons pas avoir les discussions importantes nécessaires pour créer une société égalitaire. En faire une question personnelle (“Hey, je ne suis pas sexiste !”; “Hey, tu dis que je suis un raciste ?!”) fait sérieusement dérailler la conversation. Au lieu de remettre en question l’oppression culturelle, les militantes se voient amenées à s’occuper des sentiments de personnes de privilège qui sont habituées à être à l’abri de l’inconfort. Cela devient extrêmement pénible pour les personnes oppressées de devoir se plier en permanence aux sentiments des personnes privilégiées. Faire cela redirige l’attention des oppressés vers les oppresseurs. Cela ferme également le dialogue, interfère avec la pensée critique, et entrave le travail de justice sociale.


Corey Lee WrennDr. Wrenn is Lecturer of Sociology. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology with Colorado State University in 2016. She received her M.S. in Sociology in 2008 and her B.A. in Political Science in 2005, both from Virginia Tech. She was awarded Exemplary Diversity Scholar, 2016 by the University of Michigan’s National Center for Institutional Diversity. She served as council member with the American Sociological Association’s Animals & Society section (2013-2016) and was elected Chair in 2018. She serves as Book Review Editor to Society & Animals and has contributed to the Human-Animal Studies Images and Cinema blogs for the Animals and Society Institute. She has been published in several peer-reviewed academic journals including the Journal of Gender Studies, Feminist Media Studies, Disability & Society, Food, Culture & Society, and Society & Animals. In July 2013, she founded the Vegan Feminist Network, an academic-activist project engaging intersectional social justice praxis. She is the author of A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory (Palgrave MacMillan 2016).

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Una Carta Abierta para PETA


Translation by Mariángel Villalobos. You can follow her on Twitter @mvillabe. The original English version of this essay can be found by clicking here.

Querida PETA,

Tenemos una relación e historia tan complicada. Fuiste uno de mis puntos de entrada en el activismo de los animales no-humanos, me hiciste sentir menos sola, me hiciste sentir conectada, y me diste tanta pasión y esperanza cuando era una estudiante de primaria. Orgullosamente vestí mis camisas de PETA a la escuela, viví en el sitio web de tu “Street Team”, e incluso invertí mi verano en una pasantía contigo. Aprendí como organizar mi primer protesta contigo. Me diste consejos cuando mi profesor no me daba alternativas para las disecciones. Los foros del “Street Team” me ayudaron a no sentirme tan rara en el mundo (aunque, ahora lo sé – lo raro es lo mejor) y me dio la fortaleza para seguir andando, para seguir luchando, incluso luego de crueles niños y comentarios.

Tanto ha cambiado – y real, realmente duele, honestamente. Sé que tú no has cambiado, y supongo que ese es el problema. Tú todavía estás haciendo lo que haces – de la manera en que lo haces. Veo tus campañas/publicidad – de los últimos años, he reflexionado en las sesiones de “lluvias de ideas” sobre medios de comunicación durante mi pasantía, y eso crea unos nudos retorcidos en mi estómago. Es realmente difícil describir el sentimiento. Es como cuando un miembro de la familia dice algo realmente homofóbico o sexista, hace algo que tú sabes no está bien – pero ellos eran los que se quedaban contigo de noche cuando eras niño, te leían historias a la hora de dormir, y lucharon contra algunos de tus monstruos en tu armario. Siempre existe la esperanza de que ellos pueden cambiar, y que cambiarán.

Simplemente estoy enojada. Y triste. Triste por los animales no-humanos – triste por los derechos de los animales y los movimientos de justicia social – porque es una pérdida, una gran pérdida, y nos está lastimando a todos. Necesitamos organizaciones que estén trabajando hacia terminar TODOS los tipos de opresión – no perpetuándolos en el nombre de la justicia para uno – porque no es posible. Nada es un asunto de un solo nivel. Y los derechos de los animales ES un asunto de la justicia social. Los animales no-humanos nos necesitan a todos.

Me encuentro en conflicto cuando veo la división entre los movimientos de justicia social/movimientos feministas y los movimientos de los derechos de los animales – como si fueran asuntos separados, desconectados. Y odio que tan comúnmente eres la cara del movimiento de los derechos de los animales – pero lo eres, entonces es tiempo de que des explicaciones, te hagas responsable, y hagas un cambio. Te lo ruego. Como aquella estudiante de primaria de ojos brillantes y llenos de lágrimas. Por favor detente con la porquería sexista, racista, sin-consentimiento, y por

favor desecha cualquier resto relacionado con tu última campaña:  Vegans go all the way. NO. NO. NO. Necesitamos desafiar la cultura que apoya la violencia sexual, y no contribuir a ella – por los animales no-humanos y los animales humanos.

No tengo más palabras, pero por favor, te lo ruego, en mis manos y rodillas, por todos mis adolescentes apasionados, por las personas como yo que no podemos encajar – enséñales que podemos hacer una diferencia, y apoyémoslos en sus múltiples identidades y experiencias, y en terminar todas las formas de violencia. Porque todo está conectado. Solo cuando podamos crear un mundo que ame hermosamente y sea compasivo – cuando la violencia no sea digerible. Cuando la violencia sexualizada no sea normalizada. Cuando los animales no-humanos marginalizados y los animales humanos no sean objetificados y vistos como inferiores.

Esto va también a todos los movimientos feministas – es tiempo de reconocer el rol que juega la violencia contra los animales no-humanos en desensibilizarnos y normalizar otras formas de violencia y opresión.

-La que fue alguna vez una joven amante de PETA, esperando el cambio.

Por Mary Sue Savage

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