Ableism & Disability
- 3 Reasons Why You Should Become a Pro-Intersectional Activist
- A Feminist Critique of “Service” Dogs
- Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics?
- In a Sexist World, A Horse’s Company is an Escape
- Is Veganism Ableist? A Disabled Vegan Perspective
- “Obsessive” Vegans: The Politics of Vegan Ableism
- PETA Names Part-Time Animal Abuser and Misogynist Ricky Gervais Person of the Year
- “Sexism is Nuts” Says Company that Enslaves Animals, Children, and Uses Disableism in Slogans
- Steak & BJ Day: Because Women’s Cancer is All about Pleasing Men
- The Influences Of Ableism in Veganism: A Disabled Vegan Perspective
- We All Want To Be Free: Disability, Veganism, Oppression & Trauma
Age & Age Discrimination
- An Overlooked Intersection: Ageism, Sexism and the Animal Rights Movement
- “Sexy at 70” and “Grumpy Old Vegans”: Ageist Stereotypes in the Vegan Movement
- The Vegan Experience for Older Women
Alliance Building
- International Women’s Day is a Vegan Feminist Issue, not a PETA Campaign
- The Dangers Of Hero Worship In An Activist Movement
- The Sexual Politics of Holier-Than-Thou Veganism
- The Urgency Of Activism: Friend or Foe of Progress?
- Three Reasons Why Veganism Needs Diversity
- Veganism is Not “Food Ethics”: Veganism is about Social Justice
- We Need More Pro-Intersectional Activism in the Animal Rights Movement
- When Social Justice Ignores Marginalized Vegans
- Women and Vegan Civil Resistance
- A Guaranteed Livable Income for Fostering Social-Ecological Justice
- Are Furry Nails the New Trend?
- Dove “Real Beauty” is a Real Nightmare for Animals
- Frivolous Femininity and Plant-based Eating
- Girl Power: How Dairy Pornifies Motherhood
- The Nation State and Animal Emancipation
- Pointlessly Gendering Cats and Dogs
- Really Knowing and Interfering in Reality
- Veganism, Degrowth and Redistribution
- Of Breeders, MOOs and Overpopulation: Eugenics in the Animal Rights Movement
- The $29.00 Vegan Poverty Challenge: Classism, Patriarchy and Animal Rights
- The Humane Myth of Ahimsa
- The Patriarchal Orientation of Sex, Race, Economic and Human/Nonhuman Classes
- Veganism, Vulnerable Women, and Organ Trafficking
- Vegans, Procreation, and “Overpopulation,” Oh My…
- You Are What You Eat: Nonvegan Pigs and Intersectional Failure
Domestic Violence
- Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Community
- Miss Molly & Masculinity
- PETA Applauds Horrific Maroon 5 Video Glamorizing Violence Against Women
- Vegan Moon – Food, Control and Masculinity
- For The Planet’s Sake: Unpacking Common Reactions To The Word Vegan
- How to Celebrate the New Year the Vegan Feminist Way
- Of Breeders, MOOs and Overpopulation: Eugenics in the Animal Rights Movement
- Sustainability If
- The Hunt: Masculinity & Fox Oppression in Britain
- The Most Unpopular Way To Fight Climate Change That People Need To Get On Board With
- Why This Vegan Doesn’t Watch Nature Programs
- Vegan Sustainability
- Veganism, Degrowth and Redistribution
- Armie Hammer’s Alleged Cannibalistic Fantasy is the Ultimate Manifestation of Misogyny
- The Chinese Doctor Who Advocated Tofu for the US War Effort
- Feminism, Veganism, and Vaginal Beer
- Fifty Shades of Chicken
- How to Celebrate the New Year the Vegan Feminist Way
- The Humane Myth of Ahimsa
- The Influences Of Ableism in Veganism: A Disabled Vegan Perspective
- Meat Misogyny: The Sexual Politics of Menugate
- Men Gnawing on Steaks
- On Swedish Veganism and Goodness: Intersections of Species, Gender, Race, & Nationality
- The Racial Injustice We Eat
- Research Finds Gender Bias in Self-Reported Meat Consumption
- The Sexual Politics of Breast Milk in the Amazon
- “Sexism is Nuts” Says Company that Enslaves Animals, Children, and Uses Disableism in Slogans
- The Sexual Politics of Halloween Meat
- The Sexual Politics of Vegan Food
- Vegan Moon – Food, Control and Masculinity
- Why Food Justice is a Feminist Issue
- Women Laughing Alone with Salad
- You Are What You Eat: Nonvegan Pigs and Intersectional Failure
Heterosexism and LGBTQ+
- I’m Angry! And That’s My Right.
- Lesbianism in 2nd Wave Vegan Feminist Advocacy
- Queer Appalachia and Vegan Activism
Intersectionality Politics
- The Alcotts and Vegan Feminism of the 19th Century
- A Commentary on Non-Humans First
- As Long As It’s Vegan? Single-Issues, Silos, and Social Justice
- Black Veganism and the Animality Politic
- Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics?
- Dr. Harper’s New Book, Scars, Brings Intersectional Theory to Life
- Feminism in Men’s Meat Market
- Gender and Victorian Women’s Advocacy
- How Veganism Became an Integral Part of My Feminism
- How Vegans can be Better Pro-Intersectional Activists
- Lack of Intersectionality: A Moral Inconsistency of the Animal Rights Movement
- Lessons in White Fragility: When Vegan Abolitionists Appropriate Intersectionality
- On Intersectionality in Feminism and Veganism
- Period Politics: why Menstruation Matters for Women and Other Animals
- Roe v. Wade and Your Milk & Eggs
- Single-Issue Campaigns are the White Feminism of Animal Rights
- Someone Else’s (Vegan) Shoes: Review of Veganism in an Oppressive World
- The Other “Other”
- The Patriarchal Orientation of Sex, Race, Economic and Human/Nonhuman Classes
- The Problem with Badge Allies
- The Sexual Politics of Holier-Than-Thou Veganism
- Three Reasons Why Veganism Needs Diversity
- Uh Oh… Your Vegan Panel is All White or Male
- Was Victoria Woodhull a Vegetarian?
- What is Intersectionality?
- When Social Justice Ignores Marginalized Vegans
- Why Trump Veganism Must Go
- Women and Vegan Civil Resistance
- You Are What You Eat: Nonvegan Pigs and Intersectional Failure
- Animal Victimization in the Service of Male Vengeance
- COVID Masculinities and the Meat of the Matter
- Feminism in Men’s Meat Market
- It’s a Man’s World for Talking Dogs
- Love, Sex, and the Animal Liberation Front
- Male Entitlement, Meat, and Sports
- Male Privilege, Discussion Derailments, and the Politics of Politeness
- Marriage and Patriarchy
- Masculinity, Music, and Animal Rights: Vegetarian Billy Corgan Slammed by CNN
- Men, Meat, Milk, and Toxic Masculinity
- Men Gnawing on Steaks
- Miss Molly & Masculinity
- On Policing Male Allies
- Pairing Veganism with Sanctified Inequality
- “The AK47 I Have Sitting Conveniently Beside My Coffee Machine”: Benevolent Sexism and Veganism
- The Dangers Of Hero Worship In An Activist Movement
- The Hunt: Masculinity & Fox Oppression in Britain
- Veganism Is A Feminist Issue: Some British Considerations
- Veganism and the Politics of Gender
- What is Heganism?
- Why Can’t the ALF Talk about Sexism?
- Why Can’t Men Be Feminists?
- Why the “We Use Men, Too!” Excuse Doesn’t Work
Nonhuman Animals
Race & Ethnicity Topics in Nonhuman Animal Rights Advocacy
- Animal Whites and Wrongs
- Are You Bringing Racist Cookies to Your Vegan Thanksgiving?
- Celebrating a Racist, Abusive Sheriff is Not Vegan
- The Chinese Doctor Who Advocated Tofu for the US War Effort
- The Humane Myth of Ahimsa
- Lessons in White Fragility: When Vegan Abolitionists Appropriate Intersectionality
- Nazi Cake: As Long As It’s Vegan
- Of Breeders, MOOs and Overpopulation: Eugenics in the Animal Rights Movement
- On Swedish Veganism and Goodness: Intersections of Species, Gender, Race, & Nationality
- The Racial Injustice We Eat
- Renouncing Vegan Birthright
- What’s Wrong With This Soap?
- Vegan Sustainability
- Veganism and Natural Disasters in the Global South, How We Can Help
- Vegans, Procreation, and “Overpopulation,” Oh My…
- Why Are White People Outraged Over Cecil The Lion but Not about Sandra Bland?
- Why I’m Giving Beyoncé’s Vegan Campaign a Chance
- You Are What You Eat: Nonvegan Pigs and Intersectional Failure
Rape Culture
- Gary Yourofsky: Is the Backlash Warranted?
- Nonhuman Consent: On Touching Other Animals
- PETA’s “Youngest Pinup”
- Prison Rape and the Sexual Politics of Meat
- Rape Analogy as Fast Food Advocacy
- Rape & Slaughter: Empirical Correlations
- The Misogyny of Animal Rape Imagery
- The New Frontier of Rape Porn in Animal Rights
- Vegan Moon – Food, Control and Masculinity
Self Care and Safe Spaces
- How to Celebrate the New Year the Vegan Feminist Way
- I’m Angry! And That’s My Right.
- Practicing Healing and Self-Care
- There are NO Cults in the Animal Rights Movement!! So, What about Yourofsky?
Sexist Advocacy in Nonhuman Animal Rights
- 2nd Wave Vegan Feminism
- The Alcotts and Vegan Feminism of the 19th Century
- An Open Letter to PETA
- Are You Demanding Respect and Safety or Just Bickering
- “Booth Babes” Bad for Business & Animal Rights
- Dealing with Sexism Requires Initiative
- Does Sex Sell Animal Rights? RESEARCH SAYS NO!
- Fedoras for Animal Rights
- Gender Inequity in the Animal Welfare Movement
- Giving “Real” Feminism a Bad Name
- How to Hate Fur Without Hating Women
- International Women’s Day is a Vegan Feminist Issue, not a PETA Campaign
- LUSH Cosmetics: Kind(ish) to Animals, Not to Women
- Male PETA Employees Make Women have Sex with Vegetables “For the Animals”
- Male Privilege, Discussion Derailments, and the Politics of Politeness
- PETA and the Sexual Objectification Checklist
- PETA Applauds Horrific Maroon 5 Video Glamorizing Violence Against Women
- PETA Names Part-Time Animal Abuser and Misogynist Ricky Gervais Person of the Year
- PETA Sexualizes Woman’s Death in Canine Heat Exhaustion Campaign
- PETA’s Sexy Pregnancy Campaign Against SeaWorld
- PETA’s “Youngest Pinup”
- The Language of Patriarchy & The Animal Rights Imagination
- The Misogyny of Animal Rape Imagery
- The “No-Means-Yes” Rape Trope in PETA Pornography
- The Woman as Sexy Dying Animal Trope
- Vegan Campout…for Men?
- Vegan Feminist Work Removed from Ecorazzi; Author Ousted
- Vegan Porn is a Barrier to Egalitarianism
- What Would Donald Watson Do? How This One Question Promotes Sexism
- Why Can’t the ALF Talk about Sexism?
- Why Sex Doesn’t Sell Animal Rights
- Why the “We Use Men, Too!” Excuse Doesn’t Work
Sex Trafficking and Prostitution
- Can Choice Feminism Advance Vegan Politics?
- Social Movement Prostitution
- The Reality of Trafficking in the U.S. and Women-Positive Alternatives to LUSH Cosmetics
Sexual Objectification, Sexualization, and Pornification
- Armie Hammer’s Alleged Cannibalistic Fantasy is the Ultimate Manifestation of Misogyny
- Fifty Shades of Chicken
- Frivolous Femininity and Plant-based Eating
- How Farmers are Making Dairies Sexy for Men’s Health
- Meat Misogyny: The Sexual Politics of Menugate
- “My Dog Gets Hit On More Than Me”: The Objectification of Female Human and Nonhuman Bodies
- Party with the Meat Stick: The Sexual Politics of Slim Jim
- Period Politics: why Menstruation Matters for Women and Other Animals
- PETA and the Sexual Objectification Checklist
- Steak & BJ Day: Because Women’s Cancer is All about Pleasing Men
- The Neoliberalism Behind Sexy Veganism: Individuals, Structures, and “Choice”
- The Sexual Politics of Halloween Meat
- Vegans Must Watch Pornography
- V-Rated: Sexualizing and Depoliticizing Veganism
- Veganism Is A Feminist Issue: Some British Considerations
- Why is the Animal Rights Movement so Toxic for Women?
- Why the “We Use Men, Too!” Excuse Doesn’t Work
Sizeism and Fat-Shaming
Translations and Non-English Essays
- Des Femmes Riant Seules Avec des Salades
- Des Hommes Rongeant des Steaks
- Chère Nouvelle Vegane
- Conseils pour Alliés Masculins
- Demande-t-on le Respect et la Justice ? Ou juste des chamailleries?
- Est-ce que le sexe fait vendre les droits des animaux? LA RECHERCHE DIT NON!
- Héganisme: Le Véganisme pour Hommes!
- Mariage et Patriarcat
- Pourquoi cette Végane ne Regarde-t-elle plus de Programmes Animaliers
- Privilège masculin, Déraillements de la Discussion et la Politique de la Politesse
- El Veganismo no es “La Ética de los Alimentos”: El Veganismo tiene que ver con la Justicia Social
- Empleados de PETA del Sexo Masculino hacen que las Mujeres Realicen Actos Sexuales con Vegetales “Por la Defensa de los Animales”
- Fisicoculturistas Veganos, Hombres Músculo, y el Físico Masculino: Por Qué Promover lo Masculino es Dañino para el Movimiento de la Liberación Animal
- La Política Sexual del Veganismo Moralmente Superior
- Mujeres que se Ríen Solas con Ensaladas
- Una Carta Abierta para PETAFisicoculturistas Veganos, Hombres Músculo, y el Físico Masculino: Por Qué Promover lo Masculino es Dañino para el Movimiento de la Liberación Animal
- The Alcotts and Vegan Feminism of the 19th Century
- Dear New Vegan
- For The Planet’s Sake: Unpacking Common Reactions To The Word Vegan
- How Veganism Became an Integral Part of My Feminism
- On Intersectionality in Feminism and Veganism
- On Swedish Veganism and Goodness: Intersections of Species, Gender, Race, & Nationality
- On The Intersection Of Veganism, Feminism, And A Dissociative Identity
- Pairing Veganism with Sanctified Inequality
- “The AK47 I Have Sitting Conveniently Beside My Coffee Machine”: Benevolent Sexism and Veganism
- The Power of the Vegan Who Remembers Their Roots
- The Sexual Politics of Holier-Than-Thou Veganism
- Veganism and Natural Disasters in the Global South, How We Can Help
- Veganism and the Politics of Gender
- Veganism is Not “Food Ethics”: Veganism is about Social Justice
- Veganism, Vulnerable Women, and Organ Trafficking
- Vegans, Procreation, and “Overpopulation,” Oh My…
- What’s that Dirty “V” Word?
- V-Rated: Sexualizing and Depoliticizing Veganism
- Vegan Dating: When Men Fake It to Make It